
工业中心ial Development and Environmental Governance, Tsinghua University (CIDEG): Global Innovation Hubs Index 2022

Innovation is a key engine of economic development in this era of uncertainty. Since 2020, the Global Innovation Hubs Index (GIHI) has tracked trends in innovation globally. The GIHI ranking is calculated based on three main indicators: research innovation, the innovation economy, and the innovation ecosystem. In addition, there are 31 detailed indicators covering talent, infrastructure, research institutions, innovation enterprises, published papers, patents and investment.

Now in its third year, GIHI has further refined its approach, expanding the ranking list to include 100 cities, and optimizing indicators, for example by adding renewable energy technology into patent-related topics. The results will offer policymakers a glimpse into how their peers are performing and help them gain perspective on how to improve and make decisions on public policies.

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