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Volume 332 Issue 6167, 28 April 1988


  • NASA's new strategy for space science offers a splendid promise. But will there be money in the budget to sustain it. And does it matter that it is given in the pursuit of "leadership"?



  • The European Commission is behaving as if Europe were already a single market.

  • A popular view of the world's money problem is that nothing much has changed. Is that correct?

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News & Views

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Scientific Correspondence

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Book Review

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  • Direct payment by patients for treatment with drugs still in development is the subject of controversy. The matter goes deeper than it might first appear.

    • Robert K. Oldham
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Guide to Authors

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Product Review

  • Detailed information on the structure of large enzyme/inhibitor complexes can be obtained by simplifying proton NMR spectra through isotope-editing.

    • S. W. Fesik
    Product Review
  • Next week, over 16,000 scientists will travel to Las Vegas, Nevada for the annual meetings of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology and the American Society for Biological Chemistry and Molecular Biology. Selections from the more than 450 companies with exhibit booths are described below.

    • Carol Ezzell
    Product Review
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