Nanjing Tech University (NanjingTech)

Welcome to join the State Key Laboratory of Materials-Oriented Chemical Engineering of Nanjing Tech University

Nanjing Tech University (NanjingTech)

Nanjing, China

1. Brief introduction to State Key Laboratory of Materials-Oriented Chemical Engineering

The State Key Laboratory of Materials-Oriented Chemical Engineering (MCE) of Nanjing Tech University (NJTech) was established in October, 2007, with the official approval of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China. The director ofMCEis Prof. Jin Wanqin. The chief scientist is Academician Xu Nanping. The main discipline of Chemical Engineering and Technology, for whichMCEwas built, originated from the Departments of Chemical Engineering at former National Central University and Jinling University, and is one of the earliest chemical engineering disciplines in China. As one of the first group of national key disciplines approved in 2007, our discipline was rated A in the fourth round of discipline evaluation by the Ministry of Education in 2017, and ranked 3rd in the best subject ranking lists in China. With the great support ofMCE, NJTech has entered the top 1‰ globally in itsESIcomprehensive ranking, Chemistry ranking, and Material ranking.

MCE’s main academic thoughts are based on the “applications of chemical engineering principles and methodologies to the development and processing of novel materials” and the “development of advanced chemical engineering unit operation technologies and theories based on new materials”. The program aims to resolve the bottleneck problems in energy, resources and environment that are restraining the sustainable development of processing industry, through exploiting the relations between the functions, structures and applications of the materials. Under the national goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality,MCEaims for the efficient utilization and substitution of carbon-containing mineral resources in the process industry as its primary goal, developing the equipment and technology of low-carbon process industry via process reengineering.MCEdrives integrated research through interdisciplinary subjects (Chemical Engineering and Technology, Bioengineering and Technology, Materials Science and Engineering, Energy and Environment), elite scientists worldwide, and talents from prestigious international scientific institutions. Through years of development,MCEhas formed a research team with 4 academicians as leaders and nearly 200 full-time personnel, among whom 90 are members of national-level talent programs.MCEalso boasts the “Special Separation Membrane” innovation group supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 4 innovation teams funded by the Ministry of Education, and innovation teams in key areas funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology.

MCEleads cutting-edge research in the areas of membrane materials and processes, bio-based materials, cementing materials, and mesoscale transfer. In recent years,MCEhas made new breakthroughs in the fields of hydrogen energy, battery materials, and integrated coupling technology based on new materials. In the past decade,MCEhas undertaken a number of national-level major research projects, including 2NSFCmajor projects, 7 national “973” projects, and 14 national key R&D projects. The research accomplishments have been published under influential research articles in top-notch journals such as Nature and Science, and have received numerous national-level scientific and technological awards.MCEhas won 11 Second Class Prizes of the National Science and Technology Award, and accumulated economic benefits of tens of billions inCNY, realizing the direct contribution of original achievements to the national economy.MCEhas significantly improved its domestic and international status and influence in related disciplines, and played an important role in developing national science and technology, promoting social progress and economic growth, and safeguarding national security.

MCEis unique in the industrialization of basic research results.MCEhas cooperated with a number of local governments and industry leaders in building innovation platforms, and has formed a set of incentive mechanisms for the industrialization of achievements in scientific research.MCEhas implemented over 1,000 scientific and technological achievements, and cultivated more than 10 listed companies includingJIUWUHI-TECH. The economic benefits generated reach tens of billions ofCNY. For instance,MCE已成功开发专业肥料佛吗r rice using bio-based materials, which was designated by Academician Yuan Longping as the specialty fertilizer for “super hybrid rice”. At present, 20% of special compound fertilizers produced in China have adopted this technology.MCEhas also developed the world’s first complete set of engineering technology for zero discharge of pulping tail water based on membrane separation technique.MCEsolves social development problems by means of technology, which has been fully receives wide recognition by all sectors of society.

MCEaims for the strategic goals of internationalization, strengthening international cooperation, and building a platform for the introduction and cooperation of overseas talents, having devised the means for engaging prominent overseas talents effectively.MCEhas hosted a series of important international academic conferences on material and chemical engineering, such as ICOM2014, PPEPPD2010, ISIM2013, AMS2013 and SCPPE2016, and undertaken 15 international cooperation projects, such asNSFCprojects for International (Regional) Cooperation and Exchange, andNSFCprojects for Joint Research Fund for Overseas Chinese, Hong Kong and Macao Scholars.MCEhas also carried out extensive cooperative research with more than 20 famous overseas universities and research institutions.

MCEsincerely invites talents from all over the world to form a scientific and technological innovation team with international influence in the field of Materials-orientated Chemical Engineering.

2. Recruitment directions

We are interested in candidates in following research areas: chemical engineering, industrial catalysis, biochemical engineering, material and process simulation, chemical engineering fundamentals at micro-nano interfaces, design, fabrication and application of membrane materials, industrial biotechnology, cementing and gel materials, CO2 capture and utilization, synthesis and application of green hydrogen, battery materials and energy storage, silicon energy, system integration and intelligent design, etc.


Position 1: Leading Talent

The applicant should be under 50 years old. The overseas applicant should generally have the position of associate professor or above in overseas universities, or has achieved a comparable level in international enterprises and institutions; the domestic applicant should generally have senior professional and technical positions, or have a comparable level of associate professor positions in domestic universities.

Active in the international academic frontier, have a certain international influence, be able to lead academic development, carry out original research or key technology research in the subject field and achieve important landmark results, or make important achievements and contributions in serving national strategies and economic/social development. Possess outstanding unity, cooperation and dedication, as well as strong organizational, management and leadership skills, good at cultivating emerging researchers/talents, pay attention to academic echelon construction, and be able to lead an innovative team to carry out collaborative research.

Position 2: Young academic talents (overseas applicants for the National Natural Science Foundation of China Excellent Young Scholars Fund)

Candidates should have a formal teaching or research position in overseas universities, scientific research institutions, or company R&D departments. Three years in overseas experience is required, and candidates under age 40 will receive favorable consideration. For outstanding candidates, the requirement of 3 years in overseas experience is negotiable. Candidates should have scientific or technical achievements recognized by peer experts, and have the potential to become academic leaders or outstanding talents in the field. Candidates with strong competitiveness in applying forNSFCExcellent Young Scholars Fund (overseas) are preferred.

Position 3: Excellent young researchers

Candidates should possess a good academic background and have obtained a doctorate degree from first-class universities or research institutions at home and abroad. Candidates should have more than 2 consecutive years of full-time overseas research experience after obtaining a doctoral degree, and should generally hold the position of assistant professor or above, and alternatively other corresponding positions, in overseas high-level universities, scientific research institutions, or internationally renowned enterprises. Candidates under age 35 will receive favorable consideration.

Candidates should have a stable and independent research direction in line with the development ofMCE, and be capable of solidarity and cooperation with other research groups.

Candidates should be highly comprehensive, capable of independently carry out scientific research, and able to obtain important national scientific research projects.

Candidates should have achievements of great influence in basic research, or have the ability to master key technologies in the field of engineering technology. Candidates should have advantages in applying for “talent introduction” projects in Jiangsu province.

4. Working conditions and living benefits

Position 1:

Salary will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Position 2:

Talents successfully selected byNSFCExcellent Young Scholars Fund (overseas) as an employee of NJTech will qualify for the following benefits:

Ⅰ. Salary and benefits

NJTech provides an annual salary of 600,000–800,000CNY, a settling fee of 2–3 millionCNY, and a scientific research start-up fund of 2–3 millionCNY(excluding national funding). The specific benefits are negotiable on an individual basis.

Ⅱ. Appointment position

Selected candidates will be directly appointed as a professor, granted the qualification of doctoral supervision, and provided with the enrollment indicators for doctoral students.

Ⅲ. Working conditions

NJTech provides sufficient space for lab and office.

MCE支持学术的形成和安排teams by “attracting talents with talents”, and the number of formal team members (including postdoctoral and doctoral students) is not limited. The assessment is implemented on the team members as a whole.

500,000CNYfor the Key Overseas Talent Introduction Plan of Jiangsu province is fully granted.

Ⅳ. Living conditions

NJTech provides 3–5 years of on-campus transitional apartments that are fully furnished and ready for moving in.

NJTech will take care of the spouse’s work.

The talents’ children will be recommended to the affiliated Experimental Primary School of NJTech, which is a public provincial experimental primary school.

Ⅴ. Entrepreneurial support

Talents who meet the selection criteria forNSFCExcellent Young Scholars Fund (overseas) but fail to be selected can be directly included in NJTech’s Young Talents Project, and will be given 300,000CNYas academic funding support.

Priority is given to recommending them to apply for dual-employment talents in Nanjing Jiangbei New Area (NJNA), with a funding of 300,000CNY.

Priority is given to recommending them to apply for key provincial and municipal key talent projects, such as the Key Overseas Talent Introduction Plan of Jiangsu province (with financial supports of 3–5 millionCNY).

For doctoral talents who graduate from the top 200 universities in the world, Jiangsu province directly provides 150,000CNYas living allowances.

MCEencourages selected talents to rely on NJTech’s national innovation and entrepreneurship platform to extensively carry out the useful conversion of achievements and industry-university-research cooperation, and accelerate the development and conversion of achievements into practical value through scientific research or technology development. Talents will receive 90% of the benefits from the achievement conversion.

Talents who rely on NJTech to apply forNSFCExcellent Young Scholars Fund (overseas) but have not been selected or have not yet applied for the project will qualify for the following benefits:

奥博金NJTech为人才提供了机会inted as professors, and gives preference to the enrollment rate of graduate and doctoral students.

NJTech provides an agreed salary of 360,000-480,000CNY, a housing subsidy of 600,000–1,000,000CNY, and a scientific research start-up fund of 600,000–1.5 millionCNY. The specific treatment is negotiable on an individual basis.

According to the needs of talents, NJTech will provide 1–2 assistants.

NJTech will provide ready-to-use accommodation, and help solve the problems of the talent spouse’s work and their children’s schooling.

Position 3:

For talents to be appointed as professors, NJTech provides an agreed salary of:240,000–360,000CNY, a housing subsidy of 500,000–800,000CNY, and a scientific research start-up fund of 400,000–1 millionCNY. The specific treatment is negotiable on an individual basis. NJTech will give preference to talents in the enrollment rate of graduate and doctoral students, provide them with ready-to-use accommodation, recommend work to the talent’s spouse, and solve the problem of their children’s schooling.

For talents to be appointed as associate professors, NJTech provides a housing subsidy of no more than 500,000CNY. NJTech will provide ready-to-use accommodation, and solve the problem of their children’s schooling.

5. Additional supports ofMCE

MCEprovides additional financial support for talents in terms of scientific research platforms and scientific research funds.MCEaffords 500,000–2 millionCNYfinancial support according to their future research plan.

MCEhas jointly built several innovation bases with other research institutions, providing good platforms for technology development and industrial application.

MCEhas co-constructed several provincial key primary and secondary schools, e.g., Jiangbei No. 1 Middle School in Nanjing, which provides great convenience for the talents’ children.

Contact Information:

Contact: Dr. Xu Meigui

Tel: +86-025-58139572; Mobile: +86-15250983885

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Welcome to join the State Key Laboratory of Materials-Oriented Chemical Engineering of Nanjing Tech University