

引用:迈尔斯,P。 (2008)Hox基因开发:Hox代码。自然教育 1 (1):2,http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/2007/09/the_hox_code.php
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为了更好地理解的安排和作用Hox基因,看一看果蝇图1的一部分。如图所示,在果蝇有八个Hox连续的基因,基因的顺序在这一行的言论反映了他们的订单飞的身体。左边的基因发现3 '末端DNA链,表示实验室(唇),表达的头部;另一方面,该基因在DNA链的右端,Abd-B(Abdominal-B),表示结束的时候飞的腹部。

敲出个人Hox基因在果蝇导致同源转化变化——换句话说,一个身体部分发展到另一个。一个著名的例子就是Antennapedia突变体,腿发展动态的头而不是天线。的Hox级联的基因早期演员互动,使分段的动物形态不同的地区的发展。事实上,激活的Hox基因3 '末端的最早的诱因之一,领导发展划分为头的一部分。

Hox gene cluster.", "true", "Figure 1", "A schematic of the Hox gene clusters (not to scale) in the genomes of D. melanogaster and M. musculus. Genes are colored to differentiate between Hox family members, and genes that are orthologous between clusters and species are labeled in the same color. Genes are shown in the order in which they are found on the chromosomes but, for clarity, some non-Hox genes that are located within the clusters in the fly genome have been excluded. The positions of three non-Hox homeodomain genes, zen, bcd and ftz, are shown in the fly Hox cluster (grey boxes). Gene abbreviations: lab, labial; pb, proboscipedia; zen, zerknullt; bcd, bicoid; Dfd, Deformed; Scr, Sex combs reduced; ftz, fushi tarazu; Antp, Antennapedia; Ubx, Ultrabithorax; abd-A, abdominal-A; Abd-B, Abdominal-B.", "true", "All rights reserved.", '1126', '251', '//www.scienovate.com');">示意图显示包含Hox基因的基因簇的结构。d .腹基因组只包含一个Hox基因簇,而m .骶基因组包含四个Hox基因簇。基因在每个集群显示高集群和物种之间的同源性,这是由颜色编码,沿着集群放置规定的身体区域基因表达。
©2005自然出版集团皮尔森,j . C。et al。在动物体模式,调节Hox基因功能,自然遗传学评论 6,893 - 904 (2005)。保留所有权利。视图的使用条款
Hox gene cluster.", "Figure 1", "A schematic of the Hox gene clusters (not to scale) in the genomes of D. melanogaster and M. musculus. Genes are colored to differentiate between Hox family members, and genes that are orthologous between clusters and species are labeled in the same color. Genes are shown in the order in which they are found on the chromosomes but, for clarity, some non-Hox genes that are located within the clusters in the fly genome have been excluded. The positions of three non-Hox homeodomain genes, zen, bcd and ftz, are shown in the fly Hox cluster (grey boxes). Gene abbreviations: lab, labial; pb, proboscipedia; zen, zerknullt; bcd, bicoid; Dfd, Deformed; Scr, Sex combs reduced; ftz, fushi tarazu; Antp, Antennapedia; Ubx, Ultrabithorax; abd-A, abdominal-A; Abd-B, Abdominal-B.", '1126','//www.scienovate.com', "The D. melanogaster Hox gene cluster contains eight genes, each with a specific gene name. From the 3' to 5' end of the chromosome (left to right), the eight genes are in the following order: lab, pb, Dfd, Scr, Antp, Ubx, abd-A, and Abd-B. The Hox gene names for M. musculus contain three parts: the word Hox; the letter a, b, c, or d based on the gene cluster in which the gene resides; and a number 1 through 13 based on the location of the gene along the gene cluster. Smaller numbers are located toward the left, or the 3' end of the chromosome, whereas larger numbers are located toward the right, or the 5' end of the chromosome. In addition, gene paralogs are given the same number in all mouse Hox gene clusters, and homologous genes display the same color in the diagram. Each of the mouse gene clusters contains only a subset of Hox genes, resulting in 2 to 4 paralogs for each gene. Hox1 genes are identified as the labial class, Hox4 through Hox8 are identified as the central class, and Hox9 through Hox13 are identified as the abdominal-B class.")" class="inlineLinks">细节图


左边的图显示了正常的中轴骨鼠标,包括脊椎骨、肋骨、胸骨和尾巴。右边的骨架制剂的照片显示正常椎元素而改变椎元素与Hox5 paralogous删除有关,Hox6, Hox9 Hox10, Hox11。
图2:具体椎元素的变化Hox5、Hox6 Hox9 Hox10,Hox11paralogous突变体。
©2007威利Wellik, d . M。Hox脊椎动物中轴骨的模式。发展动态 236年,2454 - 2463 (2007)。保留所有权利。视图的使用条款

现在检查鼠标图1的部分。脊椎动物,包括老鼠,Hox基因同源飞的,这些基因都聚集在离散位置3到5的顺序反映了前部,后部的表达式。有几个鼠标和飞之间的差异Hox然而,基因。一个明显的区别在于有更多Hox基因5 '端鼠标段;这些表达式对应的尾巴,和苍蝇没有任何同源的脊索动物的尾巴。另一个区别是,在鼠标,有四家银行Hox基因:HoxA、HoxB HoxC,HoxD。脊椎动物有这些平行,重叠套Hox基因,这表明形态可能是一个产品的组合表达四个Hox基因的集群。这意味着可能存在Hox代码,在身份可以定义更多层次的范围通过混合的每一个基因的表达。




这种现象也在脊椎动物同源转化突变的原因之一很少见。在飞,一个基因突变,导致一个笼头变成了翅膀,或者天线变成一条腿;在鼠标,2 - 4基因必须同时删除类似的完整转换


Hox paralogous mutants.", "true", "Figure 3", "Different vertebral elements are denoted by unique shapes, shown in the bottom panel . Aqua-shaded areas demonstrate the regions of anterior homeotic transformations of the somite-derived primaxial phenotypes. Purple-shaded areas show the lateral plate-derived, abaxial phenotypes for each group. The orange background highlights the regions of phenotypic overlap between adjacent paralogous mutants.", "true", "All rights reserved.", '900', '623', 'http://www.wiley.com');">这个图展示了鼠标中轴骨背视图显示所发生的结构性变化Hox5 paralogous删除,Hox6, Hox9 Hox10, Hox11。Hox5 Hox6删除影响T1和T2, Hox9删除影响T8通过L4、通过S4 Hox10删除影响L1, Hox11删除影响S1到S4和几尾部分。
Hox paralogous mutants.", "true", "Figure 3", "Different vertebral elements are denoted by unique shapes, shown in the bottom panel . Aqua-shaded areas demonstrate the regions of anterior homeotic transformations of the somite-derived primaxial phenotypes. Purple-shaded areas show the lateral plate-derived, abaxial phenotypes for each group. The orange background highlights the regions of phenotypic overlap between adjacent paralogous mutants.", "true", "All rights reserved.", '900', '623', 'http://www.wiley.com');">视图全尺寸图像图3
Hox paralogous mutants.", "true", "Figure 3", "Different vertebral elements are denoted by unique shapes, shown in the bottom panel . Aqua-shaded areas demonstrate the regions of anterior homeotic transformations of the somite-derived primaxial phenotypes. Purple-shaded areas show the lateral plate-derived, abaxial phenotypes for each group. The orange background highlights the regions of phenotypic overlap between adjacent paralogous mutants.", "true", "All rights reserved.", '900', '623', 'http://www.wiley.com');"> Hox paralogous mutants.", "Figure 3", "Different vertebral elements are denoted by unique shapes, shown in the bottom panel . Aqua-shaded areas demonstrate the regions of anterior homeotic transformations of the somite-derived primaxial phenotypes. Purple-shaded areas show the lateral plate-derived, abaxial phenotypes for each group. The orange background highlights the regions of phenotypic overlap between adjacent paralogous mutants.", '900','http://www.wiley.com', "When Hox5 paralogs are deleted in a mouse, the ribs at T1 are initiated but not completely formed, and the T2 ribs are connected to the sternum at a position inferior to normal. When Hox6 is deleted, no ribs form at T1 and the ribs at T2 are incomplete. Deletion of Hox9 paralogs causes the inferior thoracic ribs to attach to the sternum, and ribs form on the L1 to L4 vertebrae. In addition, two extra lumbar vertebrae are formed. Hox10 deletion causes formation of T12-like ribs on the lumbar vertebrae and partial ribs on the sacral vertebrae as well. Hox11 deletion prevents the formation of fused sacral wings, and the sacral vertebrae and the superior tail vertebrae develop into lumbar vertebrae. Regardless of structural changes to individual vertebrae, the total number of vertebrae remains the same in all mice.")" class="inlineLinks">细节图


图片左边的图2说明了骨骼形态学评估。顶部是颈椎,通过C7 C1,这并不与肋骨。接下来是肋胸椎,通过T13 T1。T1通过T7也环绕连接到胸骨,这是远轴的骨架的一部分(椎骨primaxial骨架的一部分)。然后来了腰椎,L1通过社会、骶椎骨S1到S4与骨盆(表达),和许多小尾椎骨。这些骨头有一个离散的、可辨认的形态。


Hox paralogous mutants.", "true", "Figure 4", "The regions for both primaxial and abaxial defects are shown as color-coded bars adjacent to the segments affected in paralogous mutants. Note the differences in AP position as well as the overlap differences in the primaxial versus the abaxial phenotypes.", "true", "All rights reserved.", '433', '400', 'http://www.wiley.com');">这个图表显示的轴外的区域,或腹侧,primaxial,或背,老鼠骨骼受到paralogous Hox基因的突变。
Hox paralogous mutants.", "true", "Figure 4", "The regions for both primaxial and abaxial defects are shown as color-coded bars adjacent to the segments affected in paralogous mutants. Note the differences in AP position as well as the overlap differences in the primaxial versus the abaxial phenotypes.", "true", "All rights reserved.", '433', '400', 'http://www.wiley.com');">视图全尺寸图像图4
Hox paralogous mutants.", "true", "Figure 4", "The regions for both primaxial and abaxial defects are shown as color-coded bars adjacent to the segments affected in paralogous mutants. Note the differences in AP position as well as the overlap differences in the primaxial versus the abaxial phenotypes.", "true", "All rights reserved.", '433', '400', 'http://www.wiley.com');"> Hox paralogous mutants.", "Figure 4", "The regions for both primaxial and abaxial defects are shown as color-coded bars adjacent to the segments affected in paralogous mutants. Note the differences in AP position as well as the overlap differences in the primaxial versus the abaxial phenotypes.", '433','http://www.wiley.com', "Deletion of Hox4, which is represented by an orange bar, affects C1 to C5 in the primaxial skeleton. Deletion of Hox5, which is represented by a red bar, affects C3 to T2 in the primaxial skeleton and T1 to T8 as well as the manubrium and xiphoid processes in the abaxial skeleton. Deletion of Hox6, represented by a green bar, affects C6 to T6 in the primaxial skeleton and T1 to T8 and the xiphoid process in the abaxial skeleton. Deletion of Hox9, represented by an aqua bar, affects T8 to L4 in the primaxial skeleton and T1 to T8 and the xiphoid process in the abaxial skeleton. Deletion of Hox10, which is represented by a blue bar, affects L1 to S4. Deletion of Hox11, which is represented by a purple bar, affects S1 through the first 5 segments of the caudal tail.")" class="inlineLinks">细节图
背视图说明这些paralogous淘汰赛的影响如图3所示。每个基因敲除影响特定的地区。当所有的Hox9基因突变,例如,我们看到一个前midtrunk转变。后胸段现在肋骨,满足sternum-as如果T8通过T13正试图通过T7 T1。此外,一些胸腰椎获得字符,发芽的肋骨,那里应该没有。与这些更完整的淘汰赛的假字、同源转化转换到处都可以看到!



什么Hox代码所代表的是一个有些数字调节轴向模式的机制。混合和匹配组合的一小部分的表达Hox生物基因,产生更大范围的形态的可能性。Wellick中所描述的实验总结(Wellick, 2007),而粗糙的水平,揭示广泛的块Hox监管计划,但未来的工作应该提炼出细节,包括特定的形态和细节方面的监管。基因控制的身体形状是comprehend-but艰难的过程Hox系统是一个地方的研究人员正在接近理解这个过程。


皮尔森,j . C。。调制Hox基因功能在动物体模式。自然遗传学评论6893 - 904 (2005)(文章链接)

Wellik, d . M。Hox脊椎动物中轴骨的模式。发展动态236年2454 - 2463 (2007)






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