
Qubits or quantum bits are the fundamental building block for quantum information processes. Whereas conventional computers store and process data as a series of ‘1’s and ‘0’s, quantum computers use the properties of a quantum system, such as the polarization of a photon or the spin of an electron.


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    The performance of computing devices is determined by the implementation of logical operations at the hardware level. A quantum AND gate designed using three energy levels of a superconducting circuit may speed up quantum computing algorithms.

    • Zhang Jiang
  • News & Views|

    Many quantum applications require the careful preparation of quantum harmonic oscillators. The combination of a high-power microwave drive and weak nonlinearity enables fast control of such systems, with implications for quantum computing and metrology.

    • Christian Kraglund Andersen
    Nature Physics 18, 1396-1397
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    The vast majority of devices for processing quantum information — from communication to computation and sensing — operate with quantum bits. Federico Levi tells us what makes a good qubit.

    • Federico Levi
    Nature Physics 18, 1254
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    |Open Access

    What is an optimal parameter landscape and geometric layout for a quantum processor so that its qubits are sufficiently protected for idling and simultaneously responsive enough for fast entangling gates? Quantum engineers pondering the dilemma might want to take a look on tools developed for many-body localization.

    • Matti Silveri
    • &Tuure Orell